Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Henri Cartier Bresson

Henri Cartier Bresson:
The Impassioned Eye

            Henri Cartier Bresson states that the art of photography is being able to seize the moment, and when browsing through his body of work, that statement captures the essence of his photography. Cartier Bresson believes in photograph through simple observation, specifically capturing a moment or a feeling with one click of a button. You do not have to know much to be a photographer; you just have to simply look. Cartier Bresson is the master of photojournalism, informal photography, and is capable of capturing beautiful moments from everyday life.
            This belief about photography has a huge relation to my interpretation of what it means to be a photographer. Being a photographer means creating art through capturing a moment while adding a piece of yourself into the photo. I may not know what shutter speed works best in a specific light, or how to develop film to perfection, but I do know that every piece of art I create has a place in the art world, and more importantly a place in my heart. In other words, I may not be the most knowledgeable photographer, but my work is beautiful through its deeper meaning and importance to my life. Henri Cartier Bresson has inspired me to examine my daily life for photograph worthy moments, and has taught me that art can be found anywhere, all I need to do is open my eyes and look. 

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