Friday, October 8, 2010

University of Denver

  Time has flown by here at the University of Denver, and before I knew it I no longer had time to post my daily pictures! Here is a collection of photographs I have taken during my time here, as well as a description and date of when each picture was taken! Enjoy!

October 1st, 2010
             This picture was taken in the afternoon when the light was gorgeous. The weather has been crazy warm for this time of year, and I am definitely hoping for a long fall, which is rare for Colorado!

October 1st, 2010
       This photo was taken in the same light as the other, which emphasized the green of the grass and leaves. I love how vivid the colors are! I also love the contrast in elements of the metal against nature. This statue is in front of our library, and is supposed to symbolize a rose. 

October 3rd, 2010
       I pass this bell tower every morning at eight in the morning on the way to my Business class. I love the architecture here on campus, and I'm happy I finally got a picture of this beautiful structure! The clouds are a beautiful backdrop.

October 5th, 2010
     I took this picture in the afternoon light on my way to a meeting. It is amazing being able to capture the beauty I am lucky enough to see every single day. That is probably my favorite part of photography, finding something beautiful and being able to preserve it forever- now this moment will never be lost.

October 8th, 2010
     This morning finally felt like fall! I woke to cloud cover, and I was surprisingly excited to feel the brisk air, although I know in a few weeks I will be wishing for the heat again. This church was moved onto campus brick by brick, and it absolutely beautiful. I know I keep praising DU's campus, but I definitely  am a very lucky college student to get to witness this everyday!!

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