Tuesday, August 31, 2010


   I think I have the most amusing group of friends in the entire world. We are all so close, and are constantly joking around with each other. I captured this picture of my good friend Lexi pretending to kick my boyfriend Dallas, and it turned out to be a pretty good action shot if I do say so myself. Last night about twenty of us laid in my friends back yard and looked up at the night sky. We saw a few shooting stars, and everyone started to sing the song Airplanes by B.O.B. (hence the lyrics for this post). My friends never cease to entertain me and I can't imagine what I would do without them. My computer is filled with thousands of pictures of all our amazing times together! It is so fun looking back through all of our memories and being able to see how close we truly are.
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now
-B.O.B ft. Hayley Williams

Monday, August 30, 2010


   Today I went adventuring and found this lovely little path behind my neighborhood. I love how the sunlight is breaking through the trees, and how bright and beautiful the trees are. The green is so vivid and very summery. I absolutely love hidden places like this, places that not many people know of. It is so fun to just wander, think, and enjoy the gorgeous summer day. I love this photo because it captures the true essence of this path!
On a hilltop, on a sky-rise
Like a firstborn child
And at full tilt, and in full flight
Defeat darkness, breaking daylight
- Coldplay

Sunday, August 29, 2010


 On my walk today I took several awesome pictures, but the bright colors and picturesque sky of this photo really drew me in. To me sunflowers not only represent summer, but also pure joy and happiness. These flowers also remind me of my older sister's third grade performance as a sunflower in church. Although I was very young at the time, I still remember the event, and my whole family still laughs about it to this day.  
         You're always alive inside of me
Now you're shining like
A sunflower up in the sky
Way up high
-Mariah Carey

Saturday, August 28, 2010


  This is Henry, my family's seven year old golden retriever. Henry is the best dog in the entire world, and has become a bit of a celebrity among friends and family (he has over thirty Facebook friends). He is extremely quirky. For example he purrs when he is happy and smiles with his teeth which makes him sneeze. If a person didn't know Henry they would think he is growling and snarling, but we always joke he would lick an intruder to death. Even though Henry grows older, he will always have his puppy charm.
Don't know how I lived without you
Cause every time that I get around you
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smile
- Uncle Kracker

Friday, August 27, 2010

One Rainy Wish

Again I found a great photo opportunity in my backyard! I love the bright colors, but most of all I love the contrast of textures found in the rose petals and leaves against the harshness of the wooden fence. It's cool that something so beautiful can grow and flourish against something so worn and desolate. I have always loved roses, and how they represent romance and love, so that is just another reason why I like this picture!
Golden rose, the color of the dream I had 
Not too long ago 
A misty blue and the lilac too 
A never to grow old. 
-Jimi Hendrix

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Before He Cheats

  Today I was wandering my house looking for something that would make a cool picture when I came across a bucket of my Dad's golf balls. Although I never grew to love golf, I have always been a huge sports fan. In high school I played everything: tennis, volleyball, soccer. Sports have been a huge part of my life, and I am always up for a challenge. I even love watching sports, especially hockey. I guess it's a good thing I am going to the University of Denver, where hockey is the most watched sport!
(Song dedicated to newly single Elin Nordegren )
I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up 4 wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seat
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
Slashed a hole in all 4 tires
And maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
- Carrie Underwood

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Soak Up the Sun

  Again I find myself taking advantage of this gorgeous summer here in Colorado. Today I wandered around my front yard looking for inspiration, and I found these really cool looking flowers! My favorite part of this picture is the angle and overall incorporation of the sun, which seems to be a reoccurring theme throughout this blog. I think I'm trying to focus on the warm outdoors as much as possible, because fall seems to be creeping closer and closer.
I'm gonna soak up the sun
While it's still free
I'm gonna soak up the sun
Before it goes out on me
- Sheryl Crow

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


 I love this picture because it captures the total essence of what I believe summer to be. I took it this morning, and the sky was blue and everything was bright outside. Today is the perfect summer day. Some of my favorite memories are under the summer sky, whether it's hiking the foothills of Boulder, playing tennis with my family, or going to the pool with my friends. Summer is definitely the best season in the year, and so I love what this picture represents.

Perfect song on the radio
Sing along 'cause it's one we know
It's a smile, it's a kiss
It's a sip of wine, it's summertime
Sweet summertime

- Kenny Chesney

Monday, August 23, 2010

Penny and Me

 Today I took this picture of my Dad's guitar amp to represent my absolute love for music. Certain songs embody a specific time in my life, and when heard, they provoke all previous emotions I felt at that one time. I love nothing more than to turn the radio up in my car and sing along to my favorite songs with all my best friends. Some of my favorite memories from high school are remembered through music: parties,  getting ready for dances, driving to school events. Music will always have such an important place in my life, and that's why I love this photo!

Cause Penny and me like to roll the windows down,
Turn the radio up, and push the pedal to the ground,
And Penny and me like to gaze at starry sky's,
Close our eyes, pretend to fly,
It's always Penny and me tonight

- Hanson

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Place in the Sun

This ceramic sun has always been on display on the back porch of my house. I first remember it hanging up at our old house in Boulder, and it found its way to our current house when we moved eleven years ago. This picture makes me think of home and my family. Although I have no idea where my parent acquired this piece of art, it still is important in my life. The sun is a part of my everyday life, and is a constant reminder to stay happy and enjoy my time at home.
Someday I'll find a way to shine
Leave all these rainy days behind
I know there's got to be
Someplace warm and bright for me
I'm running out of places I can run
Looking for a place in the sun
- Tim Mcgraw

Saturday, August 21, 2010


   This is one of my favorite pictures I have taken. I took it tonight in my neighborhood park, a place I pass everyday. I love the contrast of the white of the petals against the black of the night. Flowers represent love and beauty. I love how when the flowers are lit up, they are total perfection, making them worthy of such reputation. The photo is very simple, but I believe it's simplicity is what makes it so beautiful.

Let her cry, for she's a lady
Let her dream, for she's a child
let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower, growing wild
- Skylark 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Something Good Can Work

    I love this picture! I took it today at sunset as I was trying to find a photo worthy enough of representing my older sister Sarah. She loves the mountains, everything from the beautiful scenes to the awesome Colorado skiing, so having them in this photo is perfect. Sarah has accomplished so much, so fast, that the slight blur to this picture definitely represents her life and personality!

Let's get this started girl, we're moving up we're moving up
It's been a lot to change but you will always get what you want.
Took a little time to make it a little better,
It's only going out, just one thing and another

- Two Door Cinema Club

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You're My Best Friend

    Today's photo stars my beautiful mom, Susan. She is the kindest and most thoughtful person I have ever met. I had her sit with our family dog, Henry, because she absolutely adores him. Sometimes my sister and I joke that she loves him more than she loves us. So in order to show her true personality, I had to have Henry in the photo. My favorite thing about this photo are my mom's bright blue eyes and the contrast they have with the green grass background. Overall, I believe I reached my goal of displaying her personality and enhancing my photography skills!

You're the best friend 
that I ever had 
I've been with you such a long time 
You're my sunshine 

- Queen

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This Old Guitar

   I have decided that the next three photos i take are going to emulate the members of my family. This guitar represents my Dad, Curt. If he is not at the golf course, or fishing in the mountains of Colorado, he can be found sitting in our living room strumming his new electric guitar. I can always hear the sound of the strings echoing through the house, so when I think of my Dad, I think of his Fender. My Dad is a very cool guy, and I believe this is a very cool picture. Therefore, it's the perfect depiction. 

This old guitar gave me my life my living 
all the things you know I love to do 
to serenade the stars that shine 
from a sunny mountainside 
and most of all to sing my songs for you 
- John Denver

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shut Your Eyes

   Growing up in Colorado has exposed me to so many natural wonders. For example, I have always loved the eye design found on the bark of aspen trees. It reminds me of my childhood spent in the mountains with my family, so this photo brings back amazing memories. This picture was taken in my backyard and makes me think of all the good times I've had there with family and friends. My favorite thing about this photograph is the emphasis on the eyes. Overall, nature has provided me with another fabulous shot!

"And when the worrying starts to hurt
and the world feels like graves of dirt
Just close your eyes until
you can imagine this place,
you're our secret space at will"

-Snow Patrol

Monday, August 16, 2010

Such Great Heights

I woke to the sound of a hot air balloon floating over my house in the early morning. Everything from the contrast of the balloons colors to the incorporation of nature through the leaves, are a testament to my personality. I pride myself on having a bright outlook on life. Not only does this balloon reflect my positivity, it also reminds me of past memories. My Mom's cousin has a hot air balloon, and when I was younger I was fortunate enough to take a trip in it. I will never forget the beautiful view of the countryside! Overall, I absolutely adore the final outcome of this picture!

They will see us waving from such great
Heights, 'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
'come down now,' but we'll stay...

-The Postal Service