Tuesday, August 31, 2010


   I think I have the most amusing group of friends in the entire world. We are all so close, and are constantly joking around with each other. I captured this picture of my good friend Lexi pretending to kick my boyfriend Dallas, and it turned out to be a pretty good action shot if I do say so myself. Last night about twenty of us laid in my friends back yard and looked up at the night sky. We saw a few shooting stars, and everyone started to sing the song Airplanes by B.O.B. (hence the lyrics for this post). My friends never cease to entertain me and I can't imagine what I would do without them. My computer is filled with thousands of pictures of all our amazing times together! It is so fun looking back through all of our memories and being able to see how close we truly are.
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now
-B.O.B ft. Hayley Williams

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